Palliative Care

Palliative Care or Hospice Care is specialized medical care for patients living with a serious illness. This type of care is focused on relief from the symptoms and stress of a serious illness. Palliative care is provided by a specially-trained team of doctors and nurses who work with medical specialists to provide an extra layer of support. It can be appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness, and it can be provided along with curative treatment. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and the family.

How we work

Palliative Care begins with a detailed review of the patients medical history, including an assessment of his or her current disease state, quality of life, and prognosis. We also interact with family and caregivers to understand their desires and expectations for the patient. Based on the above, we formulate a customized Care Plan that is suitable for the patient and acceptable to the family.

Why Choose Us


We are available at your service 24/7. Long term care medical staff and nursing staff is available 24/7 for the patient’s care.


At Long term care, our professional nursing staff is available 24/7 to take care of the patient.


Long term care assures you that all the patients who are under our supervision, will be living in safe and healthy environment.


Our team of expert doctors, specialists, nursing staff and medical staff aims at providing superior care to our patients.


Long term care is the best healthcare service provider for elderly who need constant nursing care and who don’t have any local family support.


Long term care use all the latest and modern technology for treatments and special care needed for.

Get prompt answers that lead you to an easier, stress-free life.

Hospice Care Services in Delhi

If your loved one has recently been diagnosed with a serious illness, your doctor may have offered you to opt for Palliative care. Although the idea of palliative care in cancer or other illnesses may seem scary, it is one of the best options for you, if you want to have a better quality of life.

Read on to find out more about Care Stay Medical Palliative Care in Delhi. We will also tell you how our palliative care is different from hospice care.

Need Palliative Care in Delhi? Care Stay Medical is the place!

Battling serious illnesses, like cancer, heart failure, Parkinson’s or COPD, can be stressful and challenging. This fact holds true for patients as well as their families. And to help with the recovery process, Care Stay Medical has introduced a Palliative Care program. This program aims to provide care and consultation to patients undergoing treatments for serious illnesses. We do this by helping with a patient’s pain and symptom management. Besides this, we also provide therapy and guidance sessions to both patients and caregivers.

Under our palliative care in cancer and other illnesses, we look after the complex needs of our patients and also ensure their social and psychological well-being. Our palliative care team consists of physicians, trained nurses, nutritionists, and therapists. The Palliative care physicians help with managing symptoms and catering to complex medical needs. Each member on our team contributes differently with the ultimate goal to reduce pain and suffering.

Palliative care in cancer, Parkinson’s, and AIDS is usually interdisciplinary. We have thus, made our teams keeping that in mind. We ensure all our teams in the palliative care unit know how to help the patient with their pain and symptoms. Along with the pain management training, teams at all Care Stay Medical facilities have full knowledge to help family members and caregivers with all the challenges they might face. Our Palliative Care program at Sama Hospital should be your optimum choice because we serve the best to our abilities and sometimes more than that to practice our compassion.

Palliative Care Vs. Hospice Care

Hospice care is usually aimed at elevating the life of patients who are nearing the end of their lives. And it only focuses on pain management. But Palliative care can be even given to patients in the early stages of serious illnesses. It also focuses on treatment and recovery along with pain management.

We at Care Stay Medical do all we can to help make your life better. One of the reasons why we are the best centres for Palliative care in Delhi is because we not only assist your loved one in undergoing their pain, but we help with the treatment too. Our team is always ready to guide our palliative care patients with various treatment options and how to choose the best treatment option for the patient. We also know caregiving for seriously ill individuals isn’t an easy task! And so, our team has complete training to aid our patients’ caregivers and families with stress.

To sum it all, Care Stay Medical provides the most reliable palliative care in Delhi.